My Olicity Hug Drawing (W.I.P)

Just thought I’d put this up here. It’s a sketch/drawing I’m doing based off the first screencap I posted yesterday (the cropped down one in case you’re wondering).

This is a work in progress, but I thought I’d share it. And since scanning it, I’ve altered her head — had it right to start with, doubted last night that it was right (thought it was too big) & changed it only to find that I was right all along! D’OH!

I have to admit I cheated a little — stuck the piece of paper to my PC’s screen, using it like a light box & traced the outlines & Oliver’s (Stephen Amell) facial features. That’s why it probably looks so realistic.

There’s still lots to do with it — fix her hand, draw the rest of their bodies, add in his other hand (cos I want him to be holding her  with both arms, though I get why it was one arm in the episode since he had his bow). And I’ll probably colour it too — haven’t decided whether to try digitially colouring it or just do it the old fashioned way of pencils.

Feel free to leave comments. 🙂

AND CREDIT ME IF YOU REBLOG IT! I’d really prefer not to watermark it, but I will if I have to!

Olicity Hug sketch -- WIP

Olicity Hug sketch — WIP



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